Ordered Chaotic Discussions

We talk about anything and everything


LinageOS 17.1 on the Nintendo Switch

This is an UNOFFICIAL build of android Q for the nintendo switch. It is provided as-is without any warrenty or support. If you need support, you will have to compile your own build, verify the issue still exists and then report it over to the switchroot discord -> https://discord.gg/9d66FYg. Otherwise wait for the offical build from them before bothering them with issues as they wont be able to help

Read more By Dje4321 January 15, 2021

[Offical] The Aging Minecraft server

What is this?
This is a server that lets you experience how minecraft has aged over the past 10+ years in near real time. We start as far back as we possibly can where multiplayer is decently stable and we slowly update the game as if it was getting major releases every couple of weeks instead of every couple of months.

Read more By Dje4321 December 24, 2020

Building u-boot for the ESPRESSObin

The ESPRESSObin is a tiny single board computer similar to the raspberry pi but with a heavy focus on networking and attached storage with its own 2 port topaz networking switch and SATA interface making it ideal as a router or media server.

Read more By Michael July 9, 2020



This is the hardware category. All posts about hardware can go here


This is the community category. This category is used for anything community related

Art and Media

Welcome to the art and media category. Topics about music, videos, art, etc can go here

Software and Operating Systems

This is the software and operating system category. Any thing software and operating system related can go here. Want to talk about thing X about operating system Y? then put it into category Y


This is the gaming category. Any kind of post about gaming can go here


This is the main category for the 0CD forum. This category is used for discussion about the site, forum, bugs, etc.


This is the blog category. All of the posts about your personal life can go here


Welcome to the networking category. any posts about networking software and networking hardware can go here